Blooming beautiful - Mayfield Lavender Fields

Toddler photography

It's lavender season folks! Facebook is filled with pics of family jaunts to the lavender fields to get those beautiful purple backgrounds.

I am fortunate enough to live a few minutes away from the gorgeous Mayfield Lavender fields, so it's something of a family ritual to head down for an hour or so and get a few family snaps. 

Watch out for the bees - generally they are busy going about their business so won't bother you. The wasps however... So it was probably a little wreckless of me to let my toddling 12 month old to go clumsily stumbling about. He didn't get stung, and loved trying to walk along the rows. He was also fascinated by the bright colours and of course wanted to touch (although no picking allowed of course!). It's a wonder he didn't get stung and it did provide some lovely opportunities for some photos!

Meanwhile, my two year old, along with all the other children, loved running down the rows and hiding. It's such a lovely setting and only in full bloom for a short time so make the most of it.

Of course, in the height of the season, we are not alone so it's near impossible to get a sweeping view without others doing the very same thing in the shot.  But with some clever angles, you can make it look as if you are the only ones there. The fields are that vast. Failing that, Photoshop is a wonderful thing... ;-)