Cup of tea?

Maternity photography

I love it when kids get involved in a photoshoot. However much you try and distract them in the background, their natural curiosity means they can't help themselves.  This was particularly amusing in a recent maternity shoot. 

My daughter was there since the shoot included another little girl the same age, so the thinking was that when the little girl got fed up of having photos taken, they could play together while I finished off the pics of mum.

What I had forgotten to factor in was how inclusive my little girl is, like most children her age. So we were of course invited to the tea party they were pretending to have and subsequently offered copious amounts of tea and cakes. I'd set up a shot and look up to see a nice little plate with a wooden cake balanced carefully on mummy's knee.

Very sweet, I wouldn't change it, and it actually made for some lovely (and amusing) photos.

Note to self: bring real cake to photoshoots in future...