Newborn photography

Newborn photography

I love doing newborn photography, mainly because the arrival of a little one is such a miracle, each and every time. New life is a truly awesome thing and I always feel so privileged to capture babies during their first few days.

And never more so than on my recent shoot with little Iona who was just 5lbs 5oz and the smallest baby I'd ever held, let alone photographed. 

There is a lot more that goes into newborn photography than meets the eye. Not least the fact that we are working with tiny little humans, vulnerable and fragile yet strong willed and demanding. They call the shots! So we happily work around them.

First and foremost, we must ensure they are comfortable. So well fed, warm and lots of cuddles is the order of the day. Once they've gone to sleep, and they are in a position they are comfortable in and that looks good, don't hang about - snap away!

Little Iona's shoot took about three hours, primarily because she kept feeding. But that was great as she nodded off in between so we got a couple of different styles. Plus it gave her big sister the opportunity to jump in front of the camera for a few photos too!

They change so quickly and as a new mother, caught up in the whirlwind of motherhood, it can be easy to forget exactly what they looked like as you're so caught up in every single moment with them, not to mention the sleep deprivation that can make those early days and weeks a bit of a blur! So it's always wonderful to capture that newborn wonder, innocence and peacefulness.  

And my favourite thing about newborn photography? Definitely the cuddles...