We're having a beautiful sunny spell at the moment (long may it continue!) so we are all out and about enjoying the glorious weather and trying to capture those precious summertime moments on camera. Here are my five top tips for the sunny season based on some of my recent experiences - happy snapping!
1. Sneeze and say cheese... It is currently a gorgeous time for family shoots in the British great outdoors as summer meadows are blooming with lush grass and bright meadow flowers creating a beautiful backdrop for your shots. But, it's also prime time for all the lovely pollen to get your hayfever going. It's one thing going out for a walk, it's something else sitting waist deep in long grass and flowers for a few minutes while your photographer gets the perfect shot. Bring your hayfever tablets and plenty of tissues...
2. Never eat yellow snow... OK, so the wrong season, but you can guess where I'm going with this. If it's a warm day, there hasn't been any rain for a while and the grass is wet, think about why.... We all automatically check for dog poo, but usually if the grass is damp, we just assume it's mildew or dampness from previous rain. So imagine my reaction when, after plonking my 11 month old on a patch of grass in front of a picturesque array of bracken, I noticed the area was wet. And everywhere else was dry. Upon further investigation, I also found a tuft of dog hair caught on a leaf. Having grabbed the little 'un, who had a wet bottom and legs, the only conclusion I could come to was that I had just sat my child in pee... So my advice? Look more carefully. Or use a mat!
3. Clouds are your friend... In summer we often pray for a sunny day with blue skies and not a grey rain cloud in sight for our family shoots. But actually, clouds filter the light so you get a much more even cast, less shadow and better colour. Too much light, like midday sun directly overhead, can drain your shots of colour. So don't worry if you've booked a shoot in summer and it's not a bright sunny day with cloudless skies - you'll still get great photos.
4. Bug spray... Not only are meadows perfect backdrops for your family photography, they are also home to lots of little crawlies. Just like the first point, actually sitting in thick knee high grass is different from walking through it - bug spray at the ready!
5. All scream for ice cream! Sometimes, even with the most fun and spontaneous shoots, the kiddliwinks can get a little tired of being asked (however nicely!) to sit or stand in a certain way or place, so picking a location with a good chance of an ice cream van being present is a good idea as the promise of an ice cream always helps! Ice creams also make good props and who doesn't love a Mr whippy?!
Happy snapping!